Realistic polish colors
on all your nails at once
Well-adapted shape
of the virtual nail
change nail colors in one click
What is Color Match NEONAIL?
What is the difference between the Color Match NEONAIL application and the NEONAIL Club?
I am a member of the NEONAIL Club – do I get extra points for buying products via the Color Match NEONAIL dressing room?
Can I buy products via the Color Match NEONAIL dressing room?
General information
Products in the application
Virtual Dressing Room
What is Color Match NEONAIL?
What is the difference between the Color Match NEONAIL application and the NEONAIL Club?
I am a member of the NEONAIL Club – do I get extra points for buying products via the Color Match NEONAIL dressing room?
Can I buy products via the Color Match NEONAIL dressing room?
Do I have to create an account in the Color Match NEONAIL application?
Is the Color Match NEONAIL application free?
Does the application work offline (without access to the Internet)?
Where can I find the newest products/collection?
Why are some products missing from the dressing room?
Can I apply other stickers from the set? Can I apply the sticker on a different nail color?
How can I obtain the best color effect on my nails?
Do I have to allow the application to access my camera?
How can I narrow down the list of products in the catalogue?
Why can’t I finalize the purchase in the application?
How does the Color Match NEONAIL virtual dressing room work?
How can I search for a particular product?
What can I do in the Color Match NEONAIL dressing room?
How can I apply the color in the Color Match NEONAIL dressing room?
How can you apply dusts and effects, such as spider gel, in the application?
Why can’t I download the Color Match NEONAIL application to my phone?
Why some of the products do not load?
The application works slowly.
I really like the product, but I do not want to buy it yet. How can I save it?
The nail polish is blurry, the effect does not apply properly, what should I do?
I have the product with me, and I would like to see it in the application. How can I do that?
I want to save the photos of the product that I have tried on – how can I do that?
Where in the application can I find NEONAIL physical stores?
I have more questions, I have a problem with the functioning of the application. Who can I contact?
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